method from

Documentation for method from assembled from the following types:

class CompUnit

From CompUnit

(CompUnit) method from

method from(--> Str:D)

Returns the name of the language with which the CompUnit object was created (if any). It will be Perl6 by default.

class Match

From Match

(Match) method from

Returns the index of the starting position of the match.

class List

From List

(List) method from

Assumes the list contains Match objects and returns the value of .from called on the first element of the list.

'abcdefg' ~~ /(c)(d)/;
say $/.list.from;         # OUTPUT: «2␤» 
"abc123def" ~~ m:g/\d/;
say $/.list.from;         # OUTPUT: «3␤»

class X::IO::Copy

From X::IO::Copy

(X::IO::Copy) method from

Returns the source of the failed copy operation

class X::IO::Rename

From X::IO::Rename

(X::IO::Rename) method from

Returns the source of the failed rename operation

class X::IO::Move

From X::IO::Move

(X::IO::Move) method from

Returns the source of the failed move operation