method list

Documentation for method list assembled from the following types:

class Channel

From Channel

(Channel) method list

Defined as:

method list(Channel:D: --> List:D)

Returns a list based on the Seq which will iterate items in the queue and remove each item from it as it iterates. This can only terminate once the close method has been called.

my $c =$c.send(1); $c.send(2);
say $c.list# OUTPUT: «(1 2)␤»

class Backtrace

From Backtrace

(Backtrace) method list

Defined as:

multi method list(Backtrace:D:)

Returns a list of Backtrace::Frame objects for this backtrace.

class Range

From Range

(Range) method list

method list(Range:D: --> List:D)

Generates the list of elements that the range represents.

say (1..5).list;                                  # OUTPUT: «(1 2 3 4 5)␤» 
say (1^..^5).list;                                # OUTPUT: «(2 3 4)␤»

role Buf

From Buf

(Buf) method list

Defined as:

multi method list(Buf:D:)

Returns a Seq of codepoints.

say,105,112,205).list# OUTPUT: «(122 105 112 205)␤»

class Supply

From Supply

(Supply) method list

method list(Supply:D: --> List:D)

Taps the Supply it is called on, and returns a lazy list that will be reified as the Supply emits values. The list will be terminated once the Supply is done. If the Supply quits, then an exception will be thrown once that point in the lazy list is reached.

class Any

From Any

(Any) method list

Defined as:

multi method list(Any:U: --> List)
multi method list(Any:D \SELF: --> List)

Applies the infix , operator to the invocant and returns the resulting List:

say 42.list.^name;           # OUTPUT: «List␤» 
say 42.list.elems;           # OUTPUT: «1␤»

Subclasses of Any may choose to return any core type that does the Positional role from .list. Use .List to coerce specifically to List.

@ can also be used as a list or Positional contextualizer:

my $not-a-list-yet = $[1,2,3];
say $not-a-list-yet.perl;             # OUTPUT: «$[1, 2, 3]␤» 
my @maybe-a-list = @$not-a-list-yet;
say @maybe-a-list.^name;              # OUTPUT: «Array␤» 

In the first case, the list is itemized. @ as a prefix puts the initial scalar in a list context by calling .list and turning it into an Array.

class Map

From Map

(Map) method list

Defined as:

method list(Map:D: --> List:D)

Returns a List of all keys and values in the Map.

my $m ='a' => (23), 'b' => 17);
say $m.list;                                      # OUTPUT: «(b => 17 a => (2 3))␤»

class Capture

From Capture

(Capture) method list

Defined as:

method list(Capture:D:)

Returns the positional part of the Capture.

my Capture $c = \(235apples => (red => 2));
say $c.list;                                      # OUTPUT: «(2 3 5)␤»

role PositionalBindFailover

From PositionalBindFailover

(PositionalBindFailover) method list

method list(PositionalBindFailover:D: --> List:D)

Returns a List based on the iterator method without caching it.

class Match

From Match

(Match) method list

Returns a list of positional submatches.

role Blob

From Blob

(Blob) method list

Defined as:

multi method list(Blob:D:)

Returns the list of codepoints:

say "zipi".encode("ascii").list# OUTPUT: «(122 105 112 105)␤»